Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Favorite Jim Munn Recollection

I'll never forget the day that my dad returned home, clutching a blood soaked "Mighty-Mac" jacket in his left hand. Although I couldn't have been much older than 6 years of age at the time, I was keenly aware of the significance of what had just transpired. The following comment was posted on the Gloucester Daily Times' comments section that accompanied the following article about my late father. Out of all the accomplishments the man achieved in his lifetime, this one was most likely his most meaningful...

When I was just four years old I was hit by a car on Elm St. I was thrown ten feet, and landed on the ground. I broke many bones, split my head open, my heart stopped, and ultimately was in a coma for three days before waking up and surviving. While I was on the ground, lifeless, A gentleman walking by who witnessed the commotion, ran over and started CPR on me. He kept me alive until the paramedics arrived with the defib. That man who saved my life was Jim Munn. I later became best friends with all three of his kids and spent many days at his house. He was a great man and role model. I owe my life to him. Rest in Peace Jim, thank you for all you have done for me. Heartfelt condolences go out to Lois, Janda, Cory, and Kansas.

~Vinnie Scuderi Jr.

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